Thursday, July 31, 2008

Downing Family of Mason County KY

Fannie Gaither Downing, William A. Downing and Aunt Lena sister to Fannie

The Downing family is one whose representatives have ever been worthy of esteem and consideration, and it is one of the oldest families, if not indeed the' oldest, to be found in Mason county, Kentucky. The old homestead, situated on the Link pike, near the Kenton Station Pike, has been the property of the Downings for about one hundred and fifty years and this picturesque and widely known landmark has been the scene of many interesting events. One of the most prominent of the Downings was William Downing, cousin of Squire Downing, whose life is elsewhere sketched in this volume. He was born February 2, 1828, at the old home and died in the same neighborhood May 1, 1884, Washington precinct, Mason county, having thus been the scene of almost his entire life. His parents were Reason and Elizabeth (Ellis) Downing. Reason Downing was born November 18, 1/93, also at the old home and died here September 9, 1849. He was a farmer and stockman and achieved much success in these lines. He gave his support to the Democratic party and was a Baptist in his religious conviction. He married Miss Elizabeth Ellis, who was a woman, strong in character and constitution, who lived to the great old age of ninety-three or ninety-four years, and died several years after the close of the Civil war, having witnessed many of the most stirring incidents of American history. Reason Downing was a slave owner and at one time possessed some four hundred acres of land. His wife shared his religious convictions, belonging to the Baptist church. To this worthy couple were born twelve children, as follows: John, born December 20, 1817; died April 21, 1855; Nancy, born January 29, 1819, died July 6, 1886; Susan, born September 13, 1820, died January 15, 1842; Isaac E.. born October 28, 1821, died September 10, 1892; James, born May 22, 1823, died January 31, 1884; Lydia, born August 12, 1824, died April 21, 1856; Eliza J., born March 10, 1826, died December 8, 1871 ; William, born February 2, 1828, died May t, 1884; Elizabeth F., born May 4, 1830, died luly 14, 1906; Reason, born December 10, 1833, and living near Helena Station ; Joseph T., born October 7, 1835, died February 18, 1908 ; and Thomas M., born April 30, 1837, died February 14, 1907. Of this large family only one survives, Reason Downing, as seen above. William Downing's grandfather. John Downing, like his son and grandson, lived and died in Mason countv, the date of his birth being May 10, 1749, and that of his demise January 17, 1826. He too made his livelihood by the cultivation of the soil and in the course of events married and reared a family of typical pioneer proportions, there being fourteen children. The good wife who was his plucky helpmeet and who assisted in bringing his children to good and useful citizenship was previous to her marriage named Susannah Ellis, and their union was solemnized February 19, 1770. She was born September 3, 1750 and died April 6, 1815. The fourteen children were as follows : Ellis, born February 3, 1771, and died September 16, 1800; Nancy, born May 26, 1772, and died October, 1860; James, born November 14, 1773; Susanna, February 5, 17/6; Joseph, October 4, 1777; Mary, October 7, 1779; Sarah, April 10, 1781; Dorcas and Delilah, born February 5, 1783; Catherine, January 29, 1785; Lydia, April 19, 1787; Rachel, February 23, 1789; Elizabeth, January i1, 1792; and Reason, born November 18, 1793, and died September 9, 1849. John Downing was a son of James and Susanna Downing and beyond them the record is no longer preserved. They came
originally from Shelby county, Kentucky, the old family seat, removing to Mason county, which was to be the family home for the next four generations, including the children of Mr. and Mrs. William Downing. As previously stated the scene of the various events of the life of William Downing was Mason county, Kentucky. Here he was born, and here secured what education was available in the country schools of his day. He cultivated the farm and took a deep interest in all those questions effecting the welfare of the whole community. He was an earnest Baptist and gave his hand to all the good causes promulgated by the church of his faith. In the question of politics he voted with the Democratic party and he was a member of the organization, known as the Sons of Temperance, whose name is self-explanatory. On the i 9th of March, 1857, Mr. Downing laid the foundation of a happy wedded life by his marriage to Miss Nancy F. Wherry, who was born in Highland county, Ohio, on the 12th of March, 1831. She was the daughter of John and Ann (Crosby) Wherry, and the latter was of English parentage although reared in Mason county. Mrs. Downing's father. John Wherry, was born August 17, 1805, near Russelville, Brown county, Ohio, and he died February 7, 1848, in Clinton county. His wife survived him for ten years, her demise occurring March 20, 1858. In their family were the following children: Nancy F., widow of William Downing, resides at
the old home on Link Pike, Washington precinct; George W., born December 22, 1833, who resides with Mrs. Downing; Joseph S., born January 18, 1836, and residing at Modesto, California; Sarah C., born November 4, 1838, and died March 18, 1858; Robert Alexander, born November 4, 1841, and died April 21, 1898; and Thomas B., born February 28, 1844, and died March 25, 1858. Robert Alexander, mentioned previously, resided in Falls City, Nebraska. He was a prominent man, a Republican, and represented his county several times in the state legislature. William Downing and his wife became the parents of seven children and they and their progeny have contributed to make the name of Downing one of the most widely and favorably known of any in Kentucky. Their eldest child, Elizabeth Ann, affectionately known as Bettie, was born December 11, 1857, and on October 7, 1879, became the wife of James H. Tucker. Mr. Tucker was born September 20. 1854, and died May 15, 1890, and after the decease of this estimable gentleman the widow and children continued to conduct the farm in Washington precinct. Mr. Tucker was a farmer and stockman of progressive methods and the farm consists of one hundred acres, all well improved and adorned with a fine residence. He left two daughters, both of whom are at home. Mamie S. was born July 17, 1881. She is an excellent student, graduating with honors from the high school, securing a scholarship at the University of Kentucky and graduating from that institution with the class of 1904. The second daughter, Mary Ethel, was born February 9, 1884, was graduated from the local high school, and cultivated a natural talent for music at the Hayswood Seminary of Maysville, from which she likewise was graduated. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker were both members of the Christian church. The second child of Mr. and Mrs. William Downing was also a daughter. Sarah Eliza, who was born December 7, 1858. and became the wife of. W. Y. Williams, September 10, 1885. They reside in Fleming countv and have three sons : John D., born July 30, 1886 ; Taylor Young, born August 18, 1888; and Charles W., born December 13. 1890. The third child of Mr. and Mrs. Downing is Joseph W., born March 16, 1860. He married Catherine Poyntz Fristoe April 14. 1886, and she died December 26. 1895. He contracted a second union on July 16, 1898, his second wife being Jeannie Louise Byar, a daughter of Jacob M. Byar of Bracken county. The fourth child of Mr. and Mrs. Downing— Lydia Ella — born February 28, 1862, married John Brady. January 8, 1891 ; the)' live near Georgetown, Ohio. The fifth child, Thomas Ellis, was born March 25, 1864, and established a home by his marriage to Miss Ida Richards on February 25, 1891. They live near Hebron, Mason county, Kentucky, and five children are growing up beneath their roof ^s follows: Adamson Reed, born November 25, 1891 ; William Gilbert, born January 17, 1893; Elizabeth R., born March 5, 1898; George Thomas, born October 25, 1902; and John Walter, born April 20, 1906. The sixth child of Mr. and Mrs. Downing is Ida Alice, born June 3, 1866. She married Walter Knight, January 25, 1892, and became the mother of four children, as follows : Lilah A., born February 28, 1896, and died August 3, 1896; Charles William, born June 16, 1897; Alleen D., born October 16, 1900; and Russell Wherry, born July 25, 1902. The seventh child was Charles Reason, who was born on February 27, 1868, and died January 26, 1896. The Downing family is related to the Barclay and Kirkpatrick families by marriages occurring two or three generations ago.